Here you find the results of the projects implemented by the Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies, HPT TCP, and Heat Pump Centre, HPC.
In our database you will also find conference proceedings, Annual Reports and scientific articles from the magazine.
For final reports and executive reports, check “Reports” below.
For the summarizing 2-pager presentation of the project/annex, please check the box “Brochures and Fact Sheets”.
Authors : Reinhard Jentsch;
Veronika Wilk;
Helmut Plank;
Wiebke Brix Markussen;
Jonas Lundsted Poulsen;
Tobias Dokkedal Elmøe;
Wiebke Meesenburg;
Tim Rist;
Stefan Goebel;
Tim Klebig;
Kristian Stenerud Skeie;
Tommy Walfridson;
Metkel Yebiyo;
Raphael Ag
Authors : Kenneth Rugholm Kramer, Jonas Lundsted Poulsen, Wiebke Meesenburg, Mathias Kjær Christensen, Peter Reinholdt, Brian Elmegaard, Benjamin Zühlsdorf
Authors : Kenneth Rugholm Kramer, Jonas Lundsted Poulsen, Wiebke Meesenburg, Mathias Kjær Christensen, Peter Reinholdt, Brian Elmegaard
Benjamin Zühlsdorf