Among the great number of example projects with domestic hot water systems with heat pumps only a small number is monitored with knowledge available in the public domain.

  • CanadaGas Absorption Heat Pumps, a technology assessment and field test findings – This paper provides an overview of high-efficiency gas absorption heat pump (GAHP) technology, and presents The Atmospheric Fund’s (TAF’s) energy and emission findings from a detailed study of two GAHPs installed as part of a domestic hot water system in a multi-unit residential building in Toronto, Ontario. This paper also explores the cost and carbon effectiveness of GAHPs compared to alternative technologies such as electric heat pumps and condensing boilers.
  • Canada – CO2 & Integrated Heat Pump Water Heater Performance Report – This report presents the field test performance results of Sanden’s CO2 split system heat pump water heater (HPWH) and Rheem’s integrated HPWH. Energy 350 installed seven Sanden units and five Rheem units across three British Columbia locations including Kelowna, Rossland, and Vancouver Island. This report includes over a year of data for ten of the twelve sites. Submitted to Fortis BC in Partnership with BC Hydro, BC Ministry of Energy & Mines and Natural Resources of Canada, submitted by ENERGY350, 9/27/2018.
  • Switzerland – Warmwasserbereitstellung mittels Wärmepumpen in Mehrfamilienhäusern (Bernard Vetsch, NTB) – Pilot project Investigating the efficiency of Domestic Hot Water generation, storage and supply systems for Multifamily Buildings using heat pumps.
  • Switzerland – Modelling the Suurstoffi district based on monitored data to analyse future scenarios for energy self-sufficiency (Prasanna and Vetterlin) – A district energy system with a low temperature network fed from a borehole field ground storage. This project which high lights a ground source distribution system and a number of different options for DHW is reported upon.
  • Switzerland – Plus Energy House with Electromobility – The building in Rupperswil produces more energy than needed for heating, hot water and household electricity. Part of the excess energy is used to operate an electric car. Hall extensively report upon the experiences in the article ‘Optimierung des Eigenverbrauchs, der Eigendeckungsrate und der Netzbelastung von einem Mehrfamiliengebäude mit Elektromobilität’, Bauphysik, 6. Jahrgang, Juni 2014, S. 117–129, ISSN 0171-5445
  • Switzerland – Final report 2012  (in German – Zimmermann and Ritz) – School building in Krummbach renovation for sustainable second life. This renovation project can be seen as a pilot for industrialized plug & play renovation to a low Minergie®-P-Eco standard and has bee extensively monitored on DHW usage.
  • Switzerland –  Final report (in German, Sulzer and Summermatter) – Solar energy supply in the Alpine region in the Reka holiday village on Blatten-Belalp, consisting of 7 apartment buildings with 50 apartments. Its energy system with a solar supported heat pump and a fresh water system was monitored for two years with a focus on the regeneration of the ground sources. The overall use of domestic hot water was less than 50% of the estimated use according to standard calculation models.
  • United States – Multifamily Heat Pump Water Heater Evaluation – Central Heat Pump Water Heater installed on student apartments at the University of California in West Village – Davis, monitored and reported upon by Hoeschele and Weitzel of the Alliance for Residential Building Innovation.
  • United States – Effect of Ducted HPWH on Space-Conditioning and Water Heating Energy Use – Central Florida Lab Home – Ducted heat pump water heater on Space Conditioning monitored in a single family house in Cocoa (Florida), tested side by side at the Flexible Residential Test facility laboratories. This project focusing DHW is reported upon by NREL.
  • United States – Summer Indoor Heat Pump Water Heater Evaluation Hot-Dry Climate – Installed in two existing homes in Redding, California, monitored and evaluated and reported upon by the Alliance for Residential Building Innovation.
  • United StatesAdvanced Heat Pump Water Heater Research – (Eklund, Banks, Larson) – The CO2 refrigerant, split-system heat pump water heater was tested in both lab tests and at four field sites representing the three heating zones in the Pacific Northwest. This report focuses on the field tests and the data and experience collected over almost two years of monitoring. This is a promising technology. The field tests demonstrated that the promise of the lab tests was carried out in the field, and that this technology has great promise as an efficient water heater in all climates of the Pacific Northwest.
  • United StatesNatural Gas Internal Combustion Engine Heat Pump Field Trial Final Report – The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) identified a natural gas internal combustion engine (ICE) heat pump water heater as a candidate for testing. NEEA selected the Capital Manor Retirement Community in Salem, OR as the location for the field testing. The report summarizes actions and performance results from the installation, operation and testing of this product in the field.
  • United Kingdom – Strathclyde University – A significant part of the project also consisted in monitoring and analysing the Sanyo Eco Cute System in real conditions of operation.
  • NetherlandsDUWO Studenthouse – Leiden – Renovation of sanitary hot water supply in a circulation system student home fed by a high temperature heat pump with CO2 as refrigerant. One block of apartments has the heat pump as generator for DHW and a similar block next to it has a collective DHW system with a gas boiler. The energy use of both are monitored and compared.