About HPT

About us

Welcome to the Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies by IEA (HPT TCP), and Heat Pump Centre, the central information activity of the programme. Heat Pump Centre is an international information service for heat pumping technologies, applications and markets. The goal is to accelerate the implementation of heat pumps and related heat pumping technologies, including air conditioning and refrigeration.

We are members of IEA International Energy Agency (IEA) and the programme was founded in 1978. We have been active for almost 45 years, which is a strength since a lot of knowledge and experiences has been generated during the years.

Only a country's government can participate in a TCP (Technology Collaboration Programme), not separate organizations. This means that all people living in a member country are participants in the programme. We have 20 members in HPT TCP. The current member countries are Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The HPT TCP is a non-profit organization working in the field of heat pumping technologies, i.e. all technologies where heat is pumped from a lower temperature level to a higher one,  such as heat pumps, air conditioning and refrigeration. Under the management of an Executive Committee representing the member countries, the programme carries out a strategy to accelerate the use of heat pumping technologies in all applications where they can reduce energy consumption and increase the use of renewal energy sources for the benefit of the environment.

Chairman for HPT TCP is Mr. Stephan Renz (Switzerland).
Contact Mr Stephan Renz here.


Annexes = Projects

One of the main activities within the programme is to run collaborative research, development, demonstration and deployment projects. We call them annexes and they are conducted on a combination of cost sharing and task-sharing basis by the participating countries. One person is appointed to manage the Annex, to be the Operating Agent of the annex. Most annexes operate for a limited period and objectives can vary from information exchange to the development and implementation of new technologies.

One of the first annexes of the programme was to start an international information service for heat pumping technologies, applications and markets, the Heat Pump Centre (HPC) and this centre has been run with great success since then.

IEA Heat Pump Conference

Another important activity of the programme is to organize a conference every third year, the IEA Heat Pump Conference. The conference is the worlds premier event where industry and research experts and policymakers go to be informed about and discuss the latest advancements in the field of heat pumping technologies and their applications.

The chart shows the relation between the IEA and the TCPs such as the Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT TCP). The organisation of HPT TCP and the main activities of HPC are also illustrated. More information about what the IEA technology collaboration programmes are (former Implementing Agreements) can be found at their website.

Close links have been forged between the IEA Heat Pumping Technologies HPT and other international organisations concerned with heat pumping technologies including:

  • International Institute of Refrigeration
  • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
  • United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)
  • European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)
  • European Union