16 April 2024

Annex 58 High -Temperature Heat Pumps Task 4: Definition and Testing of Heat Pump Specifications Recommendations for defining and testing of specifications for HTHPs in commercial projects

This report has been compiled as part of the IEA HPT Annex 58 about High-Temperature Heat Pumps (HTHP). The Annex is structured in the following 5 tasks: • Task 1: Technologies State of the art and ongoing developments for systems and components
• Task 2: Integration Concepts – Development of best practice integration concepts for promising
application cases
• Task 3: Applications – Strategies for the conversion to HTHP-based process heat supply
• Task 4: Definition and testing of HP specifications – Recommendations for defining and testing
of specifications for high-temperature heat pumps in commercial projects
• Task 5: Dissemination

The overall objective of the Annex is to provide an overview of the technological possibilities and applications as well as to develop best practice recommendations and strategies for the transition towards heat pump-based process heat supply. The intention is to improve the understanding of the technology’s potential among various stakeholders, such as manufacturers, potential end-users, consultants, energy planners, and policy makers. In addition, the Annex aims to provide supporting material to facilitate and enhance the transition to a heat pump-based process heat supply for industrial applications. This will be achieved by the following sub-objectives:
• Provide an overview of the technology, including the most relevant systems and components that are commercially available and under development (Task 1).
• Identify technological bottlenecks and clarify the need for technical developments regarding components, working fluids, and system design (Task 1).
• Present best practice system solutions for a range of applications to underline the potential of HTHPs (Task 2).
• Develop strategies for the transition to heat-pump-based process heat supply (Task 3).
• Enhance the information basis about industrial heat pumps, potential applications, and potential contribution to the decarbonization of the industry (Task 1, 2 & 3).
• Develop guidelines for handling industrial heat pump projects with a focus on the HP specifications and the testing of these specifications (Task 4).
• Disseminate the findings to various stakeholders and add to the knowledge base for energy planners and policy makers (Task 5).
Annex 58 focuses on HTHPs, which are heat pumps that supply a relevant share of their main product
at temperatures above 100 °C. In this context, the focus is on developing, summarizing, and communicating information about the most relevant technologies and applications ather than covering all technologies. The relevance was mainly determined by the various participants and indirectly given by the
technologies’ application potential and market perspectives. Therefore, the Annex is primarily focused on applications for industrial heat supply but will not specifically be limited to these applications. This report documents the work of Task 4: Definition and testing of HP specifications – Recommendations for defining and testing of specifications for high-temperature heat pumps in commercial projects.