Annex 49 Workshop at the 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference
On Monday, April 26, 2021, a 2-hour workshop to present the final results of IEA HPT Annex 49 has been organised as online event in the frame of the 13th IEA HP Conference .
The Workshop contained three blocks of presentations:
In the beginning an outline of the IEA HPT Annex 49 has been given by Carsten Wemhoener, OST – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil. The introduction was followed by two presentation on the state-of-the-art, an outline of the Swedish contribution in the Annex 49 by Ola Gustafsson of RISE – The Research Institute of Sweden and a methodology to compare the ambition level in different EU countries presented by Fabian Ochs of the Unit of Energy Efficient Building of the UIBK, Innsbruck. The aim of the methodology development is a transparent conparison of nZEB implementation in different countries in order to promote higher performance in the built environment by an ambitious implementation of the EPBD.
The second block of presentations was dedicated to the results of monitoring and accompanying simulations. Christina Betzold of the Energy Campus at TH Nürnberg presented results of the HerzoBase project, a group of 8 single family plus energy houses with central heating by a thermal grid, decentral DHW production and integrated thermal and electric storage at the two central capacity controlled heat pumps. A focus of the project is smart control for increase of PV self-consumption and grid supportive operation. Fabian Ochs followed with four year monitoring results with accompanying modelling and simulation of two multi-family passive houses at Innsbruck Vögelebichl, which are eqipped with a central groundwater heat pump and a solar thermal system connected to a large thermal storage. Focus was the optimisation of the components and the system integration regarding the nZEB balance by the simulation work. Franziska Bockelmann of the Steinbeis Innovation Centre energy+ (siz energie+) concluded this block by a presentation of 3 long-term monitoring projects in plus energy buildings, a single family, a multi-family and a school building. For the single family building, the plus balance has been confirmed over all years of operation, while for the larger building the plus energy balance remains challenging.
In the third block highly integrated heat pump prototype developments in Annex 49 were presented. Andreas Heinz of the IWT of TU Graz presented a façade integrated PV heat pump prototype for cooling of adjacent rooms. The prototype has been investigated by simulation and monitoring in test cells on the Campus of TU Graz. It is confirmed that the cooling operation can be entirely covered by the unit, while for space heating in Graz climate, 60% coverage can be reached. Van Baxter of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory concluded this block with the presentation of the Integrated heat pump (IHP) development. The IHP covers the building service space heating and cooling, DHW and dehumidification in a compact unit. The ground source prototype is already on the market, while the three air-source prototypes have been field-tested.
As last presentation Carsten Wemhoener presented a conclusion of the different national results regarding the state of the art, the monitoring, the simulation work performed in the Annex 49 on heat pump integration, design and control as well as the prototype developements.
Presentations of the workshop can be downloaded under publications