Project manager and participating countries
The Operating Agent is the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden, which will have close collaboration with SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. The other participating countries are: Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The following task-sharing activities are planned to be carried out by the participants:
Task 1
Collection of available data from different supermarkets (benchmarking)
Task 2
Development of performance indices for supermarkets
Task 3
Development and validation of a model library for specific supermarket equipment
Task 4
Development of whole-building simulation models
Task 5
Comparison of the results obtained with the different whole-building simulation models for selected case studies
Task 6
Future perspectives and possibilities
Task 7
Deployment of the knowledge developed (indices, guidelines, papers, fact sheets)
The deliverables of the Annex will include:
- Indices, guidelines, papers and fact sheets
- Workshops
- Final report on CD including national reports
- Intermediate reports produced in tasks 1-6
- Extended executive summary for a broad audience
Reports are available at Annex 31 Publications