06 September 2024
Roll-Out of Large-Scale Heat Pumps as A Key Factor for The German Energy & Heat Transition
From less than 1 GW to more than 90 GW installed thermal capacity in less than 25
years: For the climate-neutral transformation of German district heating networks and
the decarbonization of process heat, large-scale heat pumps are no-regret measures.
This is one of the key findings of a 2023 study by Berlin-based think tank Agora
Energiewende and Fraunhofer-Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal
Systems IEG. However, to unlock their full potential and accelerate the market rampup, several measures need to be taken. The main fields of action are 1) adaptation of
German energy policies and regulations, 2) further industrialization and automation of
heat pump manufacturing, and 3) reduction of bureaucracy in the planning, approval,
and building process.