31 August 2021
Paper No 162 – Heat pump integration for nZEB–results of IEA HPT Annex 49 – 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Jeju, Korea
Heat pumps are a promising building technology, especially in nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), which
is believed to be the future building standard in many countries. In IEA HPT Annex 49, participants of nine
countries are investigating design and integration options for heat pump application in nZEB. In Task 1, current
implementations of nZEB are analysed and a methodology to compare ambition levels in the countries is
developed. In Task 2, improvements of the heat pump performance by system integration are investigated by
simulations, which are also coupled to the evaluation of real world performance of monitored heat pumps in
nZEB in Task 3. In Task 4, the design and control is investigated, which also covers control for demand
response. Besides single buildings, also clusters of buildings are included.
Results indicate that heat pumps reach a high performance in nZEB, which is necessary to reach ambitious
nZE targets in particular in larger buildings. Furthermore, by simulation and monitoring, further optimization
potentials of the heat pump operation have been identified. It is also confirmed that adapted controls can
improve self-consumption and grid interaction of on-site electricity generation.