HPT Annex 47 about HPs in DHC system is entering its final stage

Annex 47 – Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling systems, has been up and running since January 2015 and is now entering the final stage reporting results and conclusions. The operating agent Denmark has together with Austria, Switzerland and Sweden completed 38 extensive case studies, now published and available at the Annex homepage (Task 2).

The case studies are a collection of good examples where district heating and heat pumps have been successfully combined. Most of the studies are existing facilities and a few are research projects.

The Annex 47 objective has been to gather information and ideas concerning the possibilities and barriers related to the implementation of heat pumps in DHC systems. The ambition is to spread these findings to policy makers, decision makers, planners of energy systems in urban areas and other actors of importance.


Annex arrangement

The Annex has been structured into the following tasks:

  • Task 1. Market and energy reduction potential
  • Task 2. Description of existing DHC systems and demonstration and R&D projects with heat pumps
  • Task 3. Review the different concepts/solutions
  • Task 4. Implementation barriers, possibilities and solutions
  • Task 5. Dissemination

The Annex will officially close in Mars 2019 and more reports and documents will be added during the winter. You will also find a “Market and energy reduction potential report” from all participating countries (Task 1).

Read all the case studies and reports here.