Start date: January 2015
End date: December 2018
The objective of this annex is to gather information and ideas for policy makers and decision makers and planners of energy systems in urban areas concerning the possibilities and barriers related to the implementation of heat pumps in DHC systems.
One objective will be to suggest how heat pumps can be implemented in both new and old district heating systems in the best way. The different types of integration will be described. The differences and possibilities in integration in both central and local systems will be described.
The possibilities of increasing a larger share of renewable energy or using excess heat in the different systems by using Heat Pumps will be a focus area. Minimizing the system losses by using Heat Pumps will also be an objective.
Existing projects where heat pumps are integrated in district heating systems will be described and evaluated for each participating country.
The market potential and economic opportunities will be evaluated and described for each participating country.
Project manager and participating countries
Participating countries: Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, the United Kingdom. Denmark is operating agent.
The Annex has been structured into the following tasks:
- Task 1. Market and energy reduction potential
- Task 2. Description of existing DHC systems and demonstration and R&D projects with heat pumps
- Task 3. Review the different concepts/solutions
- Task 4. Implementation barriers, possibilities and solutions
- Task 5. Dissemination
Publication and result
The main deliverables of this annex are:
- Internet website, the HPC website will be used to give up date information regarding the progress in the annex. Including task reports.
- Progress Report to the IEA Heat Pump Programme four times annually for publication in the Newsletter
- Annual report to the IEA Heat Pump Programme, and ExCo describing the progress in the project
- A 2 page popular scientific summary of the Annex results to disseminate freely
- Final report of the Annex according to the template. The final report will describe the work carried out under the Annex.