The objective of the Annex was to reduce the use of energy and emissions of greenhouse gas emissions by the increased application of heat pumps in industry, by
- Generating information for policy makers
- Developing information for key stake holders in industry and its supply and consulting chain and for policy makers
- Getting insight in business decision processes
- Increasing the knowledge and information about IHP’s, database and getting existing information available
- Applying new technologies and identifying the needs for technological development
- Creating a network of experts
- Finding synergy with renewable energy production to increase flexibility of the grid
Project manager and participating countries
Germany in collaboration with France were designated as Operating Agent for Annex 35.
The following task-sharing activities were planned to be carried out by the participants:
Task 1 Market overview
Country reports on:
- Overview of the energy situation in participating countries
- Overview of the energy use in segments of industries in participating countries
- Overview of the energy use for heating nad cooling in industrial, commercial and large residential buildings
- Take Annex 21 as starting point and map the developments since Annex 21 in participating countries
- Make a market overview of industrial process and componrnt manufactures and technical state of the art of heat pumps, refirgerants and new and future developments.
- Make an overview if most significant sectors and unit operations for potential hp-application studied in one typical industrial country and extrapolate this to the participating countrues:
- Make a market overview of software and calculation models
- Analyze non technical topics/issues (energy prices, experience, legislation etc.) and what to expect in the future
Task 2 System aspects and opportunities
- Make SWOT analyses of available software and calculation procedures for application for different sectors
- Analyse and update of existing models from Annex 21, where does the heat pump fit and how does it fit
- Use the analyses of tools and findings of task 1 to determine the gaps, needs and possibilities for new model development
- Examine the possibilities to make software available
Task 3 Apparatus technology
- Overview of the development of components and HP’s from medium sizes upwards and the need to develop new technology
- Develop technology to reduce energy costs, fossil energy consumption and CO2-emissions
- Find possibilities to integrate heat pump technology into standard process machinery
- Develop ways to avoid the Constraints related to medium and high temperature refrigerants and adapt compressors for high temperature and capacity control
Task 4 System technology and application
- Collect and analyze existing and execute new case studies and example projects, especially why the technology and the system was chosen (business cases).
- Find already running HP-systems, collect and analyze data.
- Find ways to standardize and modularize system concepts
- Get access for consultants to standard solutions
- Find easy to apply standard solutions
Task 5 Communication
Communication strategy has to be developed (target groups, objectives and means) based upon learning curves by continuous consolidation of the created content through extensive monitoring of projects
- Awareness of potential (energy conservation, greenhouse gases, eco footprint, etc)
- Develop independent information that can be used for policy developments on energy, environmental legislation
- Give recommendation on future developments
- Execute targeted work shops with relevant stake holders, conference presentations
- Communicate directly with manufacturers and end users
- Create a Web site with database – Best practice, overview of technologies
- Give input for training courses in relation to existing organizations
These dissemination and communication activities are openly available to every potential user in order to attain the essential objectives of the Implementing Agreements.
Publication and result
The deliverables of the Annex were:
- An Internet website (linked to the Implementing Agreements sites), giving up to date information on: market overview with possible applications and examples of demonstration projects or cases; tools for the sizing of industrial heat pumps and calculating their energy and economic performances; good practice guide evaluating the users experience in different projects
- A description of a standard to determine COPs of industrial heat pumps and sorption material properties
- An overview of software models
- An online database about components, materials and refrigerants for industrial heat pumps
- A reference guide describing presently available industrial heat pump systems with their applications; software tools, their application and users experience
- Progress reports to the HPC and the IETS Secretariat four times annually for publication in newsletters etc. Annual reports to the ExCos and a final report describing the work carried out under the Annex. This report will re-state the objectives of the Annex, its findings, a description of the results from the case studies and the demonstration projects, a summary of the workshops and recommendations for further study
- Scientific summary of Annex results to freely disseminated
- Two workshops with complete proceedings
Reports are available at Annex 35 Publications