The partners of the Annex 50 propose a holistic approach to categorise, describe and visualise the possible solutions of heat pumps applications in multi-family buildings. The whole method is called a “solutions matrix”.

FIRST STEP – overview of concept groups – presents possible solutions grouped in so called “solutions families”. There are numerous possibilities to differentiate and group the solutions of heat pump systems for multi-family houses. The methods differ in terms of the main focus (“the perspective”), and the level of detail consideration of one or several aspects. The consideration of a multitude of differentiation criteria leads to a multidimensional matrix, which is very extensive which may compromise its clarity. Within the framework of the Annex 50, a simple and overarching grouping and presentation have been developed, albeit the strong simplification naturally leads to incompleteness. The result is five “solution families”, which represent the general types of heat pumps solutions in MFH.

Each “family” consists of several “family members”, which represent different variants of the main solution. The picture below shows the overview of all general types of heat pumps solution in multi-family buildings assigned to the five general “families”.

To get more information chose one of the possibilities:

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3 responses to “Solution Matrix”

  1. Kyra Sophie Rimrodt Avatar
    Kyra Sophie Rimrodt

    I like the classification very much.

  2. Thomas Natiesta Avatar
    Thomas Natiesta

    To get to this calssification done must have been a difficult task. I am in a project where we try to do something similar for heat pump systems in non-residential buildings and it is quite difficult to find information about which different heat pump systems are installed in non-residential buildings and how they can be classified. Furthermore, in Austria HVAC planners and plumbers are always excited when I tell them that soon there will be a pre-planning tool which they can use for their heat pump projects in multi-family-buildings. Looking forward to the release.

  3. Jordi García-Céspedes Avatar
    Jordi García-Céspedes

    I see it as a comprehensive classification concerning the use, but not the type. What about distinguishing between air-to-air, air-to-water, or water-to-water heat pumps? electrically or thermally driven? This is just a suggestion, maybe it is out of the scope of your work…