National team:
- RI.SE The Research Institute of Sweden
Research work related to drying and heat pumps:
RI.SE has extensive experience and broad expertise in heating and cooling technology and supports businesses and the public sector through research and innovation, with over 130 testbeds and demonstration environments for future-proof technologies, products, and services, testing and certification. Since 2004, RISE has served as host of the Heat Pump Centre, a programme office for the IEA’s international collaboration programme for heat pumping technologies with 20 member countries worldwide.
The organisation operated the first laboratory accredited for heat pump testing in Europe and has since then supported the heat pump industry with research, testing and information dissemination.
RI.SE has performed various research activities in the area of industrial drying with heat pumps, including, e.g. utilization of excess heat from data centers for food drying purposes or exploring the potential of heat pump-assisted paper drying.
Links to institutes, research projects, etc.:
Main contact:
Dr Metkel Yebiyo, RI.SE, email: