HPT TCP Annex 54 Webinar Highlights Advances in Low-GWP Heat Pump Technologies
On June 11, the HPT TCP Annex 54 hosted a webinar titled “Heat Pump Systems with Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerants,” drawing an audience of 80 participants. Organized by the operating agent Dr Yunho Hwang from the University of Maryland, the webinar aimed to disseminate the outcomes of Annex 54’s activities, promoting the use of low-GWP refrigerants to phase down high-GWP HFCs.
The event provided updates on key areas such as the thermophysical properties and heat transfer performance of low-GWP refrigerants, the optimization of heat pump components, and ongoing research in residential heat pumps and water heaters. Specific attention was given to the development of low charge R290 heat pumps, including market data and safety considerations.
The webinar featured a series of country reports from experts representing France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the United States, highlighting national efforts and advancements in the implementation of low-GWP refrigerant technologies. Dr Metkel Yebiyo introduced the IEA HPT TCP, while Dr Yunho Hwang provided a comprehensive summary of Annex 54. The detailed presentations covered the diverse approaches and research findings from each participating country, emphasizing both the technical and environmental benefits of adopting low-GWP refrigerants in heat pump systems.
This event underscored the global collaboration and shared commitment to reducing the environmental impact of refrigeration technologies, offering valuable insights and practical guidelines for future developments in the field.
For more information, you can access the full webinar recording here.
All presentations can be accessed below:
- IEA HPT Introduction, Metkel Yebiyo
- Introduction: Annex54 Summary for Heat Pumps with Low GWP Refrigerants, Yunho Hwang
- France country report, Julien Ballou.
- Germany country report, Thore Oltersdorf (Presentation 1 and Presentation 2).
- Italy country report, Luca Molinaroli.
- Sweden country report, Björn Palm.
- United States country report, Lei Gao.