Here you find the results of the projects implemented by the Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies, HPT TCP, and Heat Pump Centre, HPC.
In our database you will also find conference proceedings, Annual Reports and scientific articles from the magazine.
For final reports and executive reports, check “Reports” below.
For the summarizing 2-pager presentation of the project/annex, please check the box “Brochures and Fact Sheets”.
Authors : Thomas Gindre, Thore Oltersdorf (Fraunhofer ISE),
Christian Vering (RWTH Aachen), Johann Emhofer,
Christoph Reichl (AIT), Kamalathasan Arumugam (DTI)
Authors : Christoph Reichl, AIT GmbH,
• Philipp Wagner, Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU Graz, Austria
• Brigitte Blank-Landeshammer, AIT, Austria
• Andreas Sporr, AIT, Austria
• Svend Pedersen, DTI, Denmark
• Sebastian Wagner, IBP Fraunhofer, Germany
Authors : Sebastian Wagner, Jens Rohlfing, Karlheinz Bay - Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Stuttgart
Xavier Carniel, CETIM Centre technique des industries mécaniques, Senlis
Henrik Hellgren, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg
Authors : Roberto Fumagalli, Politecnico di Milano and
Simon Hinterseer, TU Wien, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Material Technology, Building Physics and Building Ecology and
Christian Kaseß, ARI Acoustics Research Institute, ÖAW Austrian Academy of
Authors : Roberto Fumagalli, Philipp Wagner, Robert Pratter, René Rieberer, François Bessac, Michèle Mondot, Henrik Hellgren, Agostino Troll, Pawel Lachman