Final Reports from HPT Annex 54 on Heat Pump Systems with Low -GWP Refrigerants Published

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve sustainable, low-carbon cooling and heating solutions, a transition to use of refrigerants with low global warming potential (low GWP) in heat pump systems is essential. For over four years this international collaboration project has worked on promoting low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants to phase down high –GWP hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in heat pump components and systems.
Based on the reports from over 8 countries, design guidelines developed by leading scientists in the field address key aspects such as safety, efficiency, and the future market potential of low-GWP solutions.
The findings provide important insights to support sustainable, low-carbon cooling and heating solutions for residential and commercial buildings.
Presentation of the results of HPT Annex 54
The main findings from the project were presented during a recorded webinar, available online:
Webinar on June 11, 2024: Highlights from HPT TCP Annex 54 on Low GWP Heat Pump Technologies https://heatpumpingtechnologies.org/annex54/iea-hpt-tcp-annex-54-webinar-highlights-advances-in-low-gwp-heat-pump-technologies/
Published Reports from HPT Annex 54
The following reports summarize the main findings from the project:
The country report describes the outcomes from the work performed within the different participating countries:
Country Report Austria
The team from Austria identified low-GWP refrigerants and provided an overview of the Austrian heat pump market and examples of low GWP refrigerants in applications.
Country Report France
The French team investigated the water-to-brine heat pump for a 5 kW residential space heating application that can be placed inside a house with a maximum admissible R-290 charge of 150 g.
Country Report Germany
The team from Germany summarized the heat pump market survey, integrated fluid screening, and evaluated SCOP of HCs, HFOs, and mixtures.
Country Report Italy
The team from Italy reported about a solar-assisted heat pump water heater using CO2 and compared R410A alternatives (R32, R454B, and R454C) for residential heat pumps.
Country Report Japan
The Japanese team provided an in-depth analysis of the LCCP and risk evaluations for heat pump systems using low GWP refrigerants like R-410A, R-32, R-454C, R-290, and R-22.
Country Report South Korea
The team from South Korea conducted a comparative study on the performance of R-32 versus R-410A refrigerants in residential air conditioners such as window-type and wall-mounted air conditioners.
Country Report Sweden
The Swedish provided the Swedish heat pump market for residential and commercial units, shared case studies and design guidelines for a geothermal R290 HP for multifamily buildings (EBOX), a CO2 heat pump system for commercial buildings, and a R290 heat pump and chiller for the process cooling and heating.
Country Report USA
From US they reported about the next-generation HX design framework and provided 5.3 kW condenser optimization for R32 and R454B.
For more information about HPT Annex 54 Heat Pump Systems with Low GWP please visit the annex website.