Spain Showcases World-Class Research and Developments Around Heat Pumps

As an opening act to the HPT TCP’s fall Executive Committee Meeteing, researchers and experts from around twenty universities, companies, and technological centers from across Spain showcased the latest developments and achievements in national and international collaboration projects with the purpose of advancing heat pump technologies worldwide – see list below.

In the framework of the HPT TCPs Executive Committee Meeting, about 35 experts from 16 countries –  from South Korea and Japan to Canada and  the United States, and 12 European states – travelled to Madrid to discuss the latest advancements, strategies, and research trends in heat pumping technologies and their role in enhancing energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, improving safety and reducing energy poverty.

On Monday November 11, 2024 Spain’s leading scientists and developers of heat pump related technologies and projects gathered at the Spanish Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT) headquarters in Madrid, for an interactive all-day workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to foment knowledge exchange and open for networking possibilities between national and international actors.

Yolanda Benito, general director of CIEMAT lead the opening ceremony encouraging participants to promote the exchange of information and collaboration between the entities that develop these technologies in Spain and the international guests. This encounter resulted in many new ideas and collaboration possibilities inspiered by the many interesting presentations listed below.

In conclusion, the workshop held at CIEMAT provided a vital platform for researchers and industry leaders to share insights and foster collaborations in the field of heat pumping technologies. By bringing together experts from diverse regions, the event catalyzed discussions on pivotal advancements aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. The interactions and exchanges that took place during this gathering not only highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing global energy challenges but also laid the groundwork for future partnerships and innovation. As the focus continues to shift towards sustainable solutions, the connections made during this workshop will be instrumental in driving the development and implementation of heat pump technologies worldwide. We look forward to the ongoing progress in this field and the impactful outcomes of these collaborative initiatives.

The workshop program included the following presentations



The workshop programme is available here.