New Member Country Reports Highlight Heat Pump Developments in Czech Republic, Finland, and the UK
In an event that took place on September 12, 2023, the Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT TCP) by International Energy Agency (IEA) successfully organized a digital workshop, attracting participants from around the globe. The focus of this workshop was the presentation of Member Country Reports, shedding light on the latest developments in the heat pump market, policy initiatives, and research activities within the Czech Republic, Finland, and the United Kingdom.
During this third digital workshop of the year, each of these countries delivered comprehensive reports, encompassing three key areas:
- Market Statistics:
- Policy Initiatives:
- Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (RDD&D) Activities:
For those eager to explore these in-depth reports, they can be accessed via the following links:
- Czech Republic Member Country Report
- Finland Member Country Report
- The United Kingdom Member Country Report
The presentation of these Member Country Reports is a significant step toward fostering global collaboration and knowledge sharing in the realm of heat pump technology. By providing a platform for countries to showcase their achievements and ambitions, the HPT TCP by IEA continues to facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices, driving the evolution of sustainable heating and cooling solutions worldwide.