Nominate your candidate for the Peter Ritter von Rittinger International Heat Pump Award

Every three years the Peter Ritter von Rittinger International Heat Pump Award is awarded in conjunction with the International IEA Heat Pump Conference. The Peter Ritter von Rittinger International Heat Pump Award is the highest international award in the heat pump, air conditioning and refrigeration field.

The Peter Ritter von Rittinger International Heat Pump Award is named after Peter Ritter von Rittinger who is credited with the design and installation of the first energy-conserving heat pump system at a salt works in Upper Austria in 1855. The award highlights outstanding contributions to the advancement of international collaboration in research, policy development and applications for energy-efficient heat pumping technologies.

1. An award may be given to a team or group as well as to an individual
2. The contribution(s) shall have been made in heat pumping market development, technology advancement or applications, or administration/organization of heat pumping activities with international involvement or impact.
3. That the contribution(s) of the candidate(s) are truly significant (having made a significant and lasting difference) and are widely recognized as such.
4. That the candidate(s) in fact played a key role in the contribution or achievement.
5. That the candidate(s) persevered to achieve a significant contribution despite difficulties or opposition or lack of support.

Deadline for nomination is November 30, 2022

Welcome to nominate your candidate for the award!

Award Nomination Form
See the list of previous awardees here.
Visit the official webpage for the IEA Heat Pump Conference 2023.