Heat pumps and circularity on the agenda at Chillventa Congress 2024

At the recent Chillventa Congress in Nuremberg, the integration of circular economy principles in heat pumping technologies took the stage, with a series of presentations highlighting the importance of this transition within the industry.

Jakob Thomsen from the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) opened the session with a presentation on the scope and content of IEA HPT Project 65. He discussed the project’s objectives and the potential benefits of incorporating circular economy practices in the development and operation of domestic heat pumps.

Christian Vering from RWTH Aachen University delivered a presentation titled “Heat Pump (Re-)Cycle: What do we actually do if the heat pump breaks down?” He discussed how heat pumps, while effective in reducing direct CO2 emissions, may have a greater impact on other environmental categories compared to traditional boilers. His research also evaluated various circular strategies in relation to an air-to-water heat pump.

Concluding the session, Hans Craen from A-Gas emphasized the significance of circularity in refrigerant management. His presentation focused on the necessity of reclaiming and reusing refrigerants to reduce environmental impact and foster sustainable industry practices.