Country Reports

Here you can find the results from our tasks. The reports provide an overview of the market, list barriers to application and show system classifications. Furthermore, the reports include information about new components and systems development alongside databases of existing solutions.

The following are the deliverables of the Annex:

  • Final report of the Annex
  • A public Annex Website
  • Progress reports to the ExCo meetings according to a template, orally once a year (focusing on results, achievements and/or success stories) and twice a year by way of management reports
  • Short status report to the HPC two – four times annually for publication in the Newsletter/Magazine, focusing on results, achievements and/or success stories
  • One article per year, topical or non-topical, to the HPC Newsletter/Magazine is envisaged
  • Report to the HPT Annual report
  • Text and pictures for a 2-page popular scientific summary of the Annex’s results; to be freely disseminated
  • Input to standardisation, national and international, if it seems reasonable

Further deliverables of the Annex are:

  • Further developed “solution matrix” and “solution finder” (interactive online tools from the Annex 50)
  • Case studies database based on database from the Annex 50
  • Market overview, classification of systems and buildings
  • Database of existing products and solutions
  • Overview of the new components and systems development
  • Field test results
  • Best practice solutions for opening up the market