Field News

Finland has joined Annex 58

We are happy to announce that Finland has now formally joined IEA HPT Annex 58. We say welcome to our...
Field News

China has joined Annex 58

We are happy to announce that China has now formally joined IEA HPT Annex 58. We say welcome to our...
Field News

Switzerland has joined Annex 58

We are very pleased to announce that Switzerland earlier this year has now formally joined IEA HPT Annex 58.We welcome...
Field News

Ongoing technology review

Task 1 focuses on collecting and summarizing information about high-temperature heat pump (HTHP) technologies. This includes technologies, which are commercially...
Field News

Successful launch of Annex 58 about HTHP

Successful Launch of Annex 58 about HTHP Following an Annex definition meeting from November 2020, Annex 58 about high-temperature heat...