In the last 10 years, energy efficiency was an important optimization goal for heat pump development ranging from advanced heat exchangers, inverter controlled compressors, sub-coolers and economizers to increase COP to smart controllers. With increasing spread of digitalization in the years to come, heat pumps will also be designed for smart demand response. Thereby, they will provide real time energy efficiency, flexible use of electricity, optimized load profile and an optimized compromise concerning comfort and operation costs. Heat pumps will become connected devices participating in the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices are equipped with electronics, software, sensors and network connectivity and collect and exchange data. The benefit of IoT enabled heat pumps is to analyze the collected data and make a wise use of it. Heat pumps with IoT technology allow for further decarbonization of heat supply, as they provide the best way to transfer wisely available (renewable) energy into household comfort and industrial services.
In this Annex, opportunities and challenges of IoT enabled heat pumps will be elaborated. Connected devices will play a major role in the future addressing multiple aims, such as increased comfort for the user, reduction in energy consumption and decarbonization of heat supply. The results of the Annex will be disseminated to relevant target groups such as OEM, heat pump manufacturers, associations and regulatory authorities by means of tailored messages. The Annex will thereby provide guidance, data and knowledge about heat pumping technologies with respect to IoT applications. The Annex will increase knowledge at different levels (OEMs, heat pump manufacturers, consultants, installers, legislators, etc.). It will contribute to the development of future standards.
Heat pumps for household and commercial applications are serial products that are sold in large quantities by heat pump manufacturers. IoT enabled heat pumps provide data that can be used for preventive analytics, such as what-if analysis for operation decisions, predictive maintenance, fine-tuning of the operation parameters and benchmarking. IoT enabled heat pumps can be used for smart demand response to reduce peak load and/or to optimize electricity consumption as a function of the electricity price. IoT enabled heat pump can also be integrated in the building energy management (BEM).
By contrast, industrial heat pumps are usually planned, manufactured and installed on a project-specific basis by contractors and installers. Digitalization in industry can range from automated equipment, advanced process control systems to connected supply value chains. IoT enabled heat pumps allow for integration in the process control system and a higher-level energy management system, which can be used for overall optimization of the process.
Task 1 – State of the Art
This task summarizes the state of the art and an overview on the industrial Internet of Things, communication technologies and knowledge engineering in automation. It reviews the status of currently available IoT enabled heat pumps, heat pump components and related services in the participating countries and provides information on information security and data protection.
Task 2 – Interfaces
This task identifies requirements for data acquisition from new built and already implemented heat pump systems and provides information on types of signals, protocols and platforms for different heat pump use cases in buildings and industrial applications.
Task 3 – Data analysis
This task gives an overview on data analysis based on examples of IoT products and services, Different targets for data analysis are derived, data analysis methods are categorized and assessed, starting with visualization and manual analysis reaching to machine-learning algorithms. The report provides insights in the pretreatment of data, the use of data models, meta data and BIM (building information modeling).
Task 4 – Business Models
This task evaluates market opportunities created by connected heat pumps and presents different types of IoT services and business models based on literature and market research including detailed SWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).
Task 5 – Dissemination
This task aims at reporting results and disseminating information developed in the Annex. Interactions and synergies with other Annexes or Tasks in the IEA Technology Collaboration Programs are sought.
Aim of the Annex
- Contributions to the strategic goals of the IEA HPT TCP
- Contributions to the strategic goals of the IEA
- Provide guidance
- Increase knowledge at different levels (OEMs, heat pump manufacturers, IoT platforms, consultants, installers, legislators, etc.)
- Establish a knowledge base for IoT enabled heat pumps
- Contribute to future standards
Final Reports for Download
Annex 56 – Digitalization and IoT for Heat Pumps Final Report
Annex 56 Digitalization and IoT for Heat Pumps Executive Summary
Annex 56 Digitalization and IoT for Heat Pumps 2-page Summary
Task 1 Report: State of the Art
Task 2 Report: Interfaces and platforms
Task 3 Report: Data analysis
Task 4 Report: Business Models
Contact Person
Dr. Veronika Wilk,
Participating Countries
Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, SwitzerlandT