Final reports from IEA HPT Annex 55 / ES Task 34 “Comfort & Climate Box towards better integration of heat pumps and storage” published – Webinar on October 24. Please join!
On October 24th, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST the key findings and deliverables from Annex 55 will be presented and discussed in a final webinar.
This Annex focuses on improving the integration between the heat pump and storage components.
Please register no later than October 19th here >
You will receive a Zoom link when registered.
Find all reports on the IEA HPT Annex 55 website here >
The Annex on the Comfort & Climate Box (CCB) has been jointly set up by both IEA HPT TCP (Annex 55), ES TCP (Task #34) and Mission Innovation IC Affordable heating and cooling of Buildings, because the integration of the Annex on the Comfort & Climate Box (CCB) has been jointly set up by both IEA HPT TCP (Annex 55 ), ES TCP (Task #34 ), and Mission Innovation IC Affordable heating and cooling of Buildings, because of the integration of heat pump and storage is key to delivering a system that can satisfy consumer demand and the constraints of the electricity grid that is fed from renewable sources. The spin-off of the combined Annexes is to speed up the development of CCBs and bring CCBs closer to the consumer market.
An overview and analysis of relevant research projects and field trials are performed to see where the developments are heading. An analysis of the current standards that are (partly) applicable to CCBs is done with suggestions for new standards that could help the future development of CCBs. Finally, a roadmap is presented that has recommendations for the different stakeholder groups on how to move CCBs forward.
Webinar Program (TBD)
Date: Monday, October 24th
Time: 15:00-16:30 CEST