Presentations and recording from the Final webinar of HPT Annex 55 / ES Task 34 about “Comfort & Climate Box – towards better integration of heat pumps and storage” are now available
On October 24, the key findings and deliverables from the IEA HPT Annex 55 / ES Task 34 were presented and discussed in a final webinar.
This Annex focused on improving the integration between the heat pump and storage components.
The integration of heat pumps and storage is essential to delivering a system that can satisfy consumer demands and, at the same time, relieve the constraints of the electricity grid that is fed by renewable sources, which is why the ES Task 34, HPT Annex 55, and Mission Innovation (IC) Affordable heating and cooling of Buildings jointly established the Annex on the Comfort & Climate Box (CCB). The combined Annexes were spun off in order to accelerate the development of CCBs and bring them closer to the consumer market.
An overview and analysis of relevant research projects and field trials are performed to see where the developments are. An overview and analysis of relevant research projects and field trials were performed to see where the developments are heading. An analysis of the current standards that are (partially) applicable to CCBs was done with suggestions for new standards that could help the future development of CCBs. Finally, a roadmap with recommendations for the various stakeholder groups on how to advance CCBs was provided.
Find the presentation from the Final webinar of the HPT Annex 55 webinar here >
Find all reports on the HPT Annex 55 website here >
Agenda during the webinar;
- Welcome and introduction to IEA HPT TCP and HPC – Dr. Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre, IEA Heat Pumping Technologies TCP, c/o RISE
- HPT Annex 55 / Task 34 – An overview – Peter Wagener, BDH
- HPT Annex 55 / Task 34 – Final Report – Peter Wagener, BDH
- HPT Annex 55 / Task 34 – Summary of Roadmap for scaling and replication – Dr. Caroline Haglund Stignor, WP7 leader, RISE
- HPT Annex 55 / Task 34 – Lessons learned – Peter Wagener, BDH
- HPT Annex 55 / Task 34 – Unsolved Issues – Peter Wagener, BDH
- Q&A and discussion – Dr. Caroline Haglund Stignor, Heat Pump Centre, IEA Heat Pumping Technologies TCP, c/o RISE