Annex 52 Legal Text:

Link to Legal Text for IEA HPT Annex 52

2-pages summary of Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems for commercial, institutional, and multi-family buildings

Final webinar June 13, 2022 – IEA HPT Annex 52 presentations:

Welcome and introduction to IEA HPT TCP and HPC by Dr. Caroline Haglund Stignor, RISE/IEA Heat Pumping Technologies TCP

Annex 52 – an overview by Dr. Signhild Gehlin, the Swedish Geoenergy Center/Operating Agent of Annex 52

Lessons from borehole and energy pile GSHP systems in the UK by Dr. Fleur Loveridge, University of Leeds, UK

Performance of BTES with direct heating and cooling by Dr. Saqib Javed, Lund University, Sweden

Distributed or centralized GSHP systems – performance and uncertainty by Dr. Jeffrey D. Spitler, Oklahoma State University, USA

Highlight on Annex 52 resources and deliverables by Dr. Signhild Gehlin, the Swedish Geoenergy Center/Operating Agent of Annex 52

Watch the webbinar here >

IEA HPT Annex 52 reports:

Gehlin, S., Spitler, J.D. (2022). Final report. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Gehlin, S., Spitler, J.D. (2022). Case Study Summary Report. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings. (to be linked soon)

Gehlin, S., Spitler, J.D. Witte, H., Andersson, O., Berglöf, K., Davis,M., Javed, S., Bockelmann, F., Turner, J., Clauss, J. (2022). Subtask 3 Report – Guide for analysis and reporting of GSHP system performance – system boundaries and key performance indicators (KPI) – Final Document. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Gehlin, S., Spitler, J.D. (2022). Subtask 1 Report – Annotated Bibliography – Final Document. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Davis, M.J., Martinkauppi, I., Witte, H., Berglöf, K., Vallin, S. (2021). Guideline for Instrumentation and Data – Final Document. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Spitler, J.D., Berglöf, K., Mazzotti-Pallard, W., Witte, H. (2021). Guideline for Calculation of Uncertainties – Final Document. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

IEA HPT Annex 52 Case Study Reports:


Todorov, O., Vallin, S., Virtanen, M., Leppäharju, N. (2021). Case study report for monitoring project – Aalto University New Campus Complex, Otaniemi (Espoo). Finland.  IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.


Bockelmann, F. (2021). Case study report for AOV, Germany. Office building with borehole heat exchanger. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Bockelmann, F. (2021). Case study report for EFB, Germany. Office building with energy piles. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Bockelmann, F. (2021). Case study report for GEW, Germany. Office building with borehole heat exchanger. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Bockelmann, F. (2021). Case study report for KON, Germany. Multi-family-house with borehole heat exchanger. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Bockelmann, F. (2021). Case study report for VGH, Germany. Office building with energy piles. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Bockelmann, F. (2021). Case study report for WGG, Germany. School with gym and energy piles as well as agrothermal field. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.


Clauß, J., Taveres-Cachat, E., Erstad, E. (2021). Case study report for Kalnes energy central, Sarpsborg, Norway. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Stene, J. (2021). Case Study report for 1) KIWI Dalgård, 2) The SWECO Building and 3) Moholt 50|50 – Norway. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Midttømme, K., Risinggård, V.K., Hetland, S., Clauß, J., Sivertsen, O. (2021). Case study report for Scandic Flesland Airport, Norway. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.


Andersson, O., Rydell, L., Håkansson, N. (2021). Case study report for the Xylem HT-BTES plant in Emmaboda, Sweden. Efficiency by using heat pumps for extraction of stored heat. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.×61

Gehlin, S., Spitler, J.D. (2023). Case study report for Studenthuset, Stockholm, Sweden. Long-term performance analysis of the GSHP system for a student union building. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Javed, S., Zhang, H., Liu, H. (2021). Case study report for a small Clubhouse building in Gothenburg, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Javed, S., Liu, H., Zhang, H. (2021). Case study report for Malmö Police House, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings. (To be linked soon)

Javed, S., Zhang, H., Liu, H., Gräslund, J. (2021). Case study report for Entré Lindhagen, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.(To be linked soon)

Walfridson, T. (2021). Case study report for Domstolen, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Walfridson, T. (2021). Case study report for IKEA Uppsala, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Walfridson, T. (2022). Case study report for Backadalen, Göteborg, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Walfridson, T. (2022). Case study report for Norrlands Universitetssjukhus, Umeå, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Mazzotti-Pallard, W. (2021). Case study report for Forskningen, Stockholm, Sweden. Three plus energy buildings (by design) with GSHPs, variable-length boreholes, ventilation recovery and pre-heating, wastewater recovery & PV panels. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Lazzarotto, A. (2021). Case study report for Frescati NPQ, Sweden. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Abuasbeh, M. (2021). Case study report for Rosenborg, Sweden. GSHP installation coupled with aquifer thermal energy storage ATES suppling heating and cooling for two commercial buildings. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Ekestubbe, J. (2021). Case study report for Brf Briljanten, Lund, Sweden. Long-term performance analysis of the GSHP system for a multi-family building. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Ekestubbe, J. (2021). Case study report for Kv Traktorn, Lund, Sweden. Long-term performance analysis of the GSHP system for an office building. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.


Rees, S.J. (2021). Case study report for a large university building, UK. The Hugh Aston Building at De Montfort University. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Turner, J., Loveridge, F. Rees, S.J. (2021). Case study report for the Crystal Building, United Kingdom. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.


Spitler, J.D., Southard, L., Liu, X. (2021). Case study report for ASHRAE Headquarters Building, USA. Performance of a distributed water-to-air ground source heat pump system. IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance monitoring of GSHP systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings.

Scientific journal papers:

Abuasbeh, M., Acuña, J., Lazzarotto, A., Palm, B. (2021). Long term performance monitoring and KPIs’ evaluation of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage system in Esker formation: Case study in Stockholm. Geothermics, Volume 96, November 2021, 102166.

Todorov, O., K. Alanne, M. Virtanen, R. Kosonen. (2021). A Novel Data Management Methodology and Case Study for Monitoring and Performance Analysis of Large-Scale Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) and Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) System. Energies 2021; 14(6):1523.

Liu, H., H. Zhang, and S. Javed. (2020). Long-Term Performance Measurement and Analysis of a Small-Scale Ground Source Heat Pump System. Energies 2020, 13 (17), 4527;

Bockelmann, F. and M. N. Fisch. (2019). It works – Long-term performance measurement and optimisation of six ground source heat pump systems in Germany. Energies 2019, 12 (24), 4691;

Naicker, S. S. and S. J. Rees. (2020). Long-term high frequency monitoring of a large borehole heat exchanger array. Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 15281542. Measurement data available as open access at

Spitler, J.D. and S.E.A. Gehlin. (2019). Measured performance of a mixed-use commercial-building ground source heat pump system in Sweden. Energies 2019, 12, 2020; (Measurement data available as open access supplementary material). Open access at:

Naicker, S. S. and S. J. Rees. (2018). Performance Analysis of a Large Geothermal Heating and Cooling System. Renewable Energy 122:429–42. (Measurement data available as open access  at

Conference papers:

Spitler, J. D., Gehlin, S., (2022). Long-term GSHP system performance measurements in the USA and Europe. Research Conference Proceedings of International Ground-Source Heat Pump Association Annual Conference , December 6-8th, 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Spitler, J. D., Gehlin, S., (2022). Final results from IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term performance of large GSHP systems. Proceedings of the European Geothermal Congress 2022, October 17-21 2022, Berlin, Germany.

Spitler, J.D. and Gehlin, S. (2022). Performance of a mixed-use ground source heat pump system in Stockholm. Proceedings of the 14th REHVA World Congress, Clima 2022. May 22-25, 2022. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Gehlin, S., and Spitler, J.D. (2021). Half-term Results from IEA HPT Annex 52 – Long-term Performance Monitoring of Large GSHP Systems. Proceedings of the 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference. April 26-29, 2021 Jeju, Korea.

Spitler, J.D., And Gehlin, S. (2021). Three Years’ Performance Monitoring of a Mixed-Use Ground Source Heat Pump System in Stockholm. Proceedings of the 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference. April 26-29, 2021 Jeju, Korea.

Bockelmann, F., and Kley, C. (2021). It works – long-term performance measurement of ground source heat pump systems. Proceedings of the 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference. April 26-29, 2021 Jeju, Korea.

Walfridsson, T., Larsson, M, Benson, J., Räftegård, O., Gustafsson, O., Haglund-Stignor, C., Axelsson, L. and Tiljander, P. (2021). Long-term evaluation of an office building with large-scale heat pump and aquifer system in southern Sweden. Proceedings of the 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference. April 26-29, 2021 Jeju, Korea.

Lazzarotto A, Mazzotti Pallard W, Abuasbeh M, Acuña J. (2020). Performance evaluation of borehole thermal energy storage through energy and exergy analysis. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020. Reykjavik, Iceland, April 26 – May 2, 2020.

Turner, J.L., F. Loveridge, S. Rees, W. Powrie, M Crane, J. Kiauk., K.G. Higgins, Y. Ainsworty, D.G. Toll, and A.S. Osman . (2021).Energy Performance of CFA Piles Used as Heat Exchangers in a GSHP System. Piling 2020 Conference Proceedings. January 2021, 523-527.

Gehlin, S. and J.D. Spitler. (2019). IEA HPT Annex 52 – Measuring GSHP system long-term performance. European Geothermal Congress 2019 in Den Haag, the Netherlands. June 11-14 2019.

Abuasbeh, M., Acuña, J. (2018). ATES System Monitoring Project, First Measurement and Performance Evaluation: case study in Sweden. IGSHPA Research Track 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, September 18th 2018.

Andersson, O., Rydell, L. (2018). The HT-BTES in Emmaboda, Sweden – Lessons learned and Further Actions. Enerstock 2018, Adana, Turkey, April 2018

Gehlin, S., Spitler, J.D., Larsson, A., Annsberg. (2018). Measured Performance of the University of Stockholm Studenthuset Ground Source Heat Pump System. Enerstock 2018, Adana, Turkey, April 2018.