
Particularly the following issues will be elaborated:

  • How to stimulate an increased use of heat pumps in multi-family houses
  • Enhancement of heat pump systems and/or heat pump components for their adaptation in multi-family buildings (scalable power range, high-temperature heat pumps, double stage compressors, inverter technology, etc.)
  • Development and demonstration of concepts for application of heat pumps in energetically renovated buildings and in buildings without improved building envelope
  • Finding the optimal bivalence temperature for bivalent or hybrid systems
  • Demonstration and monitoring of technical solutions (in prototype or market phase)
  • Identification of needs on the characteristics of HP components and figuring out, which are neither fullfilled by market available products nor a scope in ongoing research and development projects; making recommendations for future research and development needs
  • Presenting recommendations for the optimal (multi) heat source and operating mode (fuel driven, electric driven, hybrid) solutions depending on building type and ecologic-economic situation and climatic zone (weather, design temperature)
  • Close cooperation with companies in all relevant technology areas, as well as with the housing societies


Task 1 – Market overview, barriers for application, system classification

⇒ Country Reports: Market structure, market players, products, available systems and configurations, legislation, energy supply scenarios etc.

⇒ Product (system) analysis and classification (with regard to different multifamily building types)

Task 2 – Modeling and simulation of systems, economic models

⇒ Collection of existing and development of new models

⇒ Definition of the systems to be studied through simulations

⇒ Simulation of various systems in wide range of operating conditions (type of buildings / insulation, climates, applications, energy scenarios, heat sources etc.)

⇒ Sensitivity analysis and application matrix

Task 3 –  Technology development, evaluation and system assessment

⇒ Heat pumps with better modulation or cascaded systems

⇒ Heat pumps for higher supply temperatures

⇒ Compare centralized vs. decentralized systems

⇒ Compare different sources, e.g. facades, ground, air, waste water

⇒ Identification of “best solutions” depending on building, climate or other criteria

Task 4 –  Demonstration and monitoring

⇒ Reach a common definition on system boundaries and performance evaluation figures

⇒ Definition of field test procedures

⇒ Collection and analysis of measurement data

Task 5 –  Dissemination and communication

⇒ Provide information for a broad audience spectrum on the Annex results

⇒ Website and dedicated Wikipedia page

⇒ Workshops for target groups such as installers and planners

⇒ Final report