The new housing complex will comprise six multi-family buildings and one community building. The 80 flats are built to meet the requirements of older people.

In each building a ground source heat pump system is installed.  The heat pump system provides the heat for both room heating and domestic hot water.  In summer the ground heat exchangers (GHEX) are used for passive cooling of the buildings. Photovoltaic panels are installed on the roofs of each building. The energy production is primarily used on side by the households and the heat pump or stored in batteries.

Source: André Wagenzik, Jeschenko Medienagentur GmbH, Bosch

Key facts

Building Heat pump and source
Location Petershagen, Germany
Number of HP 7
Construction 2018 Installed power 7 * 36 kW
Heat distribution unknown Operation mode monoenergetic
Heated area unknown Heat source geothermal
Level of insulation new building
Heating system Domestic hot water
Heat demand unknown Type of system fresh water station in each flat
Heating temperature unknown Max. temperature unknown
Circulation system unknown
Other information
passive cooling with ground heat exchanger
Photovoltaic system and battery storage device

Description of the technical concept

In each building a heat pump system is installed.  Each system consists of one ground-source heat pump (á  36 kW; ERP label), a GHEX,  four buffer storages (á 950 L) and four heating rods installed in the storage tanks. Two buffer storages are used for room heating and two for domestic hot water. Due to the “2 step tandem compressor“ with injection technology the maximum flowline temperature of the heat pump is 68°C.

In the residential buildings fresh water stations are installed in each flat. In the community house one fresh water station supplies the DHW for the building.

In summer the GHEX are used for passive cooling of the buildings.

Photovoltaic panels are installed on the roofs of each building. If the energy production exceeds the electric load (heat pump, households, etc.)  the heat pump can heat up the buffer storages to temperatures higher than the actual set point. Additionally the battery storage device is charged.

Source: André Wagenzik, Jeschenko Medienagentur GmbH, Bosch

Case study sheet DE Petershagen