Sweden is represented by RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden, and Swedish heat pump manufacturers.

National team leader

Ola Gustafsson
RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden
Industrigatan 4
P.O. Box 857
SE-501 15 BORÅS, Sweden
Tel: +46-(0)10-516-5120
Fax: +46-(0)33-131979
E-mail: ola.gustafsson(at)ri.se



National team

Dr. Caroline Haglund Stignor
RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden
Industrigatan 4
P.O. Box 857
SE-501 15 BORÅS, Sweden
Tel: +46-(0)10 516-5545
Fax: +46-(0)33-131979
E-mail: caroline.haglundstignor(at)ri.se


Svein Ruud
RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden
Industrigatan 4
P.O. Box 857
SE-501 15 BORÅS, Sweden
Tel: +46-(0)10-516-5541
Fax: +46-(0)33-131979
E-mail: svein.ruud(at)ri.se



National links

Swedish heat pump association
Website of the Swedish heat pump association,
offering news, contact information of members
and information for consumers. A discussion forum
is available, where questions can be asked to SVEP
or other organisations. The website is in Swedish.


Swedish energy agency
The Swedish Energy Agency works towards
transforming the Swedish energy system into an
ecological and economically sustainable system
through guiding state capital towards the area of
energy. This is done in collaboration with trade
and industry, energy companies, municipalities
and the research community.
The website gives information about energy
research and market development among other
