Final Report for HPT TCP Annex 47 – “Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling systems”
The Final Report for HPT TCP Annex 47 – “Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling systems”, has been finalized and can be downloaded at the Annex 47 web site:
You can also download the 2-page summary here.
The objective of Annex 47 has been to gather information and ideas for policy makers and decision makers and planners of energy systems in urban areas concerning the possibilities and barriers related to the implementation of heat pumps in DHC systems.
One objective has been to suggest how heat pumps can be implemented in both new and old district heating systems in the best way. The different types of integration has been described. The differences and possibilities in integration in both central and local systems has been described. The possibilities of increasing a larger share of renewable energy or using excess heat in the different systems by using Heat Pumps has been a focus area.
Annex 47 has shown that heat pumps can act as a balancing technology between the different energy grids. This can contribute to a reduction of CO2 emissions of 70% compared to today’s situation.