
A written full report detailing all information can be downloaded from this website. Reports are available at Annex 34 Publications.


One of the main objectives was to quantify the economic, environmental and energy performance of integrated thermally driven heat pumps in cooling and heating systems in a range of climates, countries and applications. From this, those areas and applications with the greatest environmental benefit, the best economics and the greatest market potential were identified.


The following task-sharing activities were carried out by the participants:


Task A      Market overview and state of the art

The market overview and state of the art comprised analyses on thermally driven heat pumps in small and large systems for domestic applications in each participating country.


Task B      Performance evaluation     

In Task B a methodology on how to determine the Coefficient of Performance (COP) were developed. The method was extended so that a comparison of the primary energy consumption was possible. The model also included life cycle analyses and cost.


Task C      Apparatus technology

In Task C, components were developed taking into consideration experience of the components’ long time running performances. The resulting data together with data on material properties were gathered and listed in a database.

Task D      System technology

In Task D included designing the way the apparatuses are integrated in the system. For example, the integration of heat rejection, air/ground- heat sources, efficient burners, control strategies and so on. Available software for different deign stages were surveyed and how to increase their availability were investigated.

Task E      Implementation

Case studies were carried out in order to monitor and describe the thermally driven systems in their applications, in their specific market segments. From this, good practice guidelines and calculation models based upon experience were presented. In addition, advice on training, dissemination and policies were reported.

Publications and result

The deliverables of the Annex included:

  • An Internet website
  • A description of a standard to determine COPs of thermally driven heat pumps and sorption material properties
  • An online database about sorption materials for heat pumps and their properties
  • A reference guide describing presently available thermally driven systems with their applications. Existing software tools, their application and users’ experience, were included
  • A final report describing the work carried out under the Annex
  • Two workshops with complete proceedings