This project tried to gain a better understanding of the global energy and environmental benefits of industrial heat pumps, to broaden the knowledge base and disseminate the information. By conducting the most comprehensive survey of industrial heat pumps to date, the IEA determined that over 4,600 industrial heat pumps are currently used in Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA.

In addition to determining current users, each participating country conducted a market assessment using the Industrial Heat Pump Screening Program. This was specifically developed to determine how industrial heat pumps could be used in different applications. Estimates were made on the potential for using industrial heat pumps in over 35 different processes in the year 2010. The study indicated that industrial heat pumps could reduce the energy consumption for industrial process heating by 1,300 to 3,100 PJ per year worldwide, or 2-5% of the global energy demand for process heat by the target year. The screening program was updated in 1997 and is available from the HPC.


The objectives of the project were:

  • To heighten industry’s awareness of the large energy savings associated with industrial heat pumping
  • To broaden the information available to industry to help further development of industrial heat pumps
  • To estimate the market potential for various types of industrial heat pumps and illustrate opportunities for their use
  • To estimate the potential environmental benefits of Industrial Heat Pumps resulting from energy savings and emissions reductions

Project manager and participating countries

The project manager (the so-called Operating Agent) was the US Department of Energy, Office of Industrial Technologies, on behalf of the USA.The participating countries were: Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK, and USA.

Project results

The project resulted in the following publications:

  • Industrial Heat Pumps – Experiences, Potential and Global Environmental Benefits

    This final report highlights the opportunities for using industrial heat pumps (IHPs). It reviews worldwide experiences, summarises the applied technologies and offers guidelines for their economic integration into a range of industries and processes. Potential energy-related and environmental benefits are estimated. The report includes a free copy of the Industrial Heat Pump Screening Program.

Besides the following software package was developed:

  • Industrial Heat Pump Screening Program
    Order No. HPP-AN21-3; Update released April 1997. Free when ordering HPP-AN21-1. When ordered separately, the full price is € 75 and the reduced price is € 25.

    Using pinch technology theory, this software package lets engineers screen their industrial process for the technical and economic suitability of an industrial heat pump (IHP). The program contains data on more than 100 processes, and over 50 types of IHP. A downloadable demo is available, for more information, please contact the Heat Pump Centre.