Strategic Work Plan of HPT TCP* 2023-2028
Heat pumping technologies are the cornerstone for a secure, affordable, high-efficiency, clean and netzero emission energy system for heating, cooling and refrigeration. We are the key worldwide independent actor to achieve this vision across multiple applications and contexts. We generate and communicate information, expertise and knowledge related to heat pumping technologies as well as enhance international collaboration.
To accelerate the transformation to an efficient, renewable, clean and secure energy sector in our member countries and beyond by performing collaborative research, demonstration and data collection and enabling innovations and deployment within the area of heat pumping technologies.
The strategic work plan for the program can be downloaded here.
* Technology Collaboration Program on Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT TCP) by IEA
Strategic Objectives
Accelerated deployment
A. The deployment rate is accelerated for efficient heat pumping technologies in different applications – buildings, industry, transport, electric and thermal energy systems – to keep pace with the milestones set out in the IEA Roadmap towards Net Zero Emissions by 2050.
B. Innovations related to heat pumping technologies are brought to the market, contributing to fulfilling the net zero emission targets.
Energy security
C. Integrated, affordable solutions for heating and cooling, where heat pumping technology is a key element, are explored, through collaboration with other TCPs, enabling energy savings, flexibility and responsiveness in the energy system and improving security of supply.
Economic growth of secure and sustainable solutions
D. The HPT TCP contributes to removing gaps and overcoming barriers in the sustainable value chain of heat pumping technologies.
Environmental protection
E. More decision-makers (policy, investors, utilities, real estate actors, industry, users etc.) acknowledge the multiple benefits of heat pumping technologies as a sustainable, clean, enabling, connecting, and affordable heating and cooling solution to reach the climatic ambitions and strengthen energy security. Decisions which promote heat pumping technologies are implemented.
Engagement worldwide
F. HPT TCP has more member countries representing the largest economies, different parts of the world facing different contexts, IEA key partner and association countries.
G. HPT TCP is an active player in, or partner to, IEA, other TCPs, other international initiatives and organisations related to secure and sustainable heating and cooling and flexible energy solutions for everyone.
Strategic Initiatives
- Advance the RDD&D** of heat pumping technologies through the creation of research opportunities, networking and meeting places for academia, industry, markets actors, investors and policy makers to collaborate under new Annexes (projects/tasks) and other activities (e.g. workshops) within the HPT TCP, see priority areas for RDD&D below.
- Contribute to advanced and/or disruptive innovations through cross-cutting networking and collaboration with other TCPs, IEA, Mission Innovation and other relevant organisations, attracting new actors representing other relevant areas of knowledge.
- Communicate the results and impact from the RDD&D work, tailor the messages and the dialogue using selected channels to reach relevant target groups, including policy makers, energy and environmental agencies, investors, utilities, manufacturers, city and building planners, system designers, architects, industry associations, installers, researchers and end-users. Arrange a highquality conference about heat pumping technologies at least every third year, and establish this conference as the most important networking place.
- Providing and enlarging a dialogue platform to share and report back experiences to those stakeholders and actors who could benefit from such knowledge.
- Provide IEA, standardisation organisations and regional or national policy makers with reliable and independent guidance, data and knowledge about heat pumping technologies, separately or in combination with other technologies.
- Increase activities to attract new members, including IEA key partners and association countries.
** Research, development, demonstration and deployment