National Teams

National Teams are important for promotion of the HPT TCP on a national level. The National Teams are experts on their countries' needs regarding industry's marketing, deployment, research and development activities. An interactive process where the National Team shares information between the ExCo delegates, the Heat Pump Centre, and other National Teams is therefore highly important.

To achieve the HPT TCP vision, the work of the National Team includes generation of ideas to new HPT TCP activities/projects of interest to their country, participation in HPT TCP activities/projects, national information dissemination and promotion, and bringing industry and researchers together in an international network. Members of the National Team is decided on a national level and can include representatives from the industry, universities, institutions or other organisations.

The HPC links people and organisations worldwide in support of heat pump technology and communicates through National Teams (NT) in the HPT TCP member countries.


Not all countries have National Teams, but their national contact persons can be found under National Team contacts. Contact the National Team contacts in the member countries here